09 abril 2006



  1. BAUMARD, Phillipe. Tacit Knowledge in Organizations. London: Sage Publications, 2001.
  2. BRUNER, Jerome. Actual Minds, Possible Worlds. Harvard University Press, 1987.
  3. CAVALCANTI, Marcos & GOMES, Elisabeth & PEREIRA, André. Gestão de Empresas na Sociedade do Conhecimento: um roteiro para a ação. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Campus, 2001.
  4. DAVENPORT, Thomas H. & PRUSAK, Laurence. Conhecimento Empresarial. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Campus, 1998.
  5. DE BONO, Edward. Wordpower: An Illustrated Dictionary of Vital Words. New York. Penguin Books, 1988.
  6. DOURADO, Maria Lúcia Goulart. O tácito como conhecimento e seu modo de uso no labirinto organizacional contemporâneo. Perspect. ciênc. inf. [online]. 2008, vol. 13, no. 1 [citado 2008-06-04], pp. 223-224. Disponível em: . ISSN 1413-9936. doi: 10.1590/S1413-99362008000100019
  7. GILL, Jerry H. The Tacit Mode: Michael Polanyi postmodern philosophy. New York: State University of New York Press, 2000.
  8. KIKOSKI, Catherine Kano & KIKOSKI, John F. The Inquiring Organization. Tacit Knowledge, Conversation, and Knowledge Creation: Skills for 21st Century Organizations. Westport, CT: Praegers Publisher, 2004.
  9. KROGH, Georg Von & ICHIJO, Kazuo & NONAKA, Ikujiro. Enable Knowledge Creation. How to unlock the mystery of tacit knowledge and release the power of innovation. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
  10. LINS, Sérgio. Transferindo Conhecimento Tácito: uma abordagem construtivista. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Epaper, 2001.
  11. MINSKY, Marvin. The Society of the Mind. New York: Simon Schuster, 1985.
  12. NONAKA, Ikujiro e TAKEUCHI, Hirotaka. Criação de conhecimento na empresa : como as empresas japonesas geram a dinâmica da inovação. Rio de Janeiro: Campus, 1997.
  13. POLANYI, M. Personal Knowledge. Towards a post critical Philosophy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1958.
  14. POLANYI, M. The tacit Dimension. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co., 1966.
  15. REBER, Arthur S. Implicit Learning and Tacit Knowledge. Oxford Psychology Series. 2000.
  16. SAIANI, Cláudio. O valor do conhecimento tácito: a epistemologia de Michael Polanyi na escola. São Paulo: Coleção Ensaios Transversais, 2004.
  17. SCHRAGE, Michael. Shared Minds: The New Technologies of Collaboration. New York: Random House, 1990.
  18. SENGE, Peter. A Dança das Mudanças: o desafio de manter o crescimento e o sucesso em organizações que aprendem. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Campus, 1999.
  19. SENGE, Peter. A quinta disciplina: caderno de campo. Rio de Janeiro: Editora QualityMark, 1994.
  20. STENBERG, R.J. Complex Cognition: The Psychology of Human Thought. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001
  21. STERNBERG, R. J., & WAGNER, R. K. Practical Intelligence: Nature and origins of competence in the everyday world. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1986
  22. STERNBERG, R. J. Successful Intelligence : How Practical and Creative Intelligence Determine Success in Life. New York: Plume, 1997.
  23. STEWART, T.A., CAPITAL INTELECTUAL, A Nova Vantagem Competitiva das Empresas, tradução de Ana Beatriz Rodrigues e Priscila M. Celeste, Rio de Janeiro: Editora Campus, 1998.
  24. THOMAS, David C. & INKSON, Kerr. Cultural Intelligence: People Skills for Global Business. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2004.
  25. TURNER, Stephen. The Social Theory of Practices. Tradition, Tacit Knowledge and Presuppositions. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994.
  26. SVEIBY, Karl Erik. The New organizational wealth: managing and measuring knowledge based assets. San Francisco: Berret-Koehler, 1997.
  27. VYGOTSKY, L. S. Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1978.
  28. WARDMAN, Kellie T. Criando Organizações que aprendem. São Paulo: Editora Futura, 1996.
  29. WATZLAWICK, Paul & WEAKLAND, John & FISH, Richard. Mudança: princípio de formação e resolução de problema. São Paulo: Editora Cultrix, 1977
  30. WEI, Chun Choo. The Knowing Organization: How Organizations Use Information To Construct Meaning, Create Knowledge, and Make Decisions. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006.

Artigos e recortes da WEB

  1. ARMSTRONG, Scott. Tacit Knowledge: A Critique of Sternberg's Definition. Acessado em 09/04/2005.
  2. BACON, Francis. Novum Organum 1620. Aphorisms.
  3. COLLINS, H. Tacit Knowledge, trust, and the Q of sapphire
  4. Timothy C. Clausner & Jason R. Fox. A Framework and Toolkit for Visualizing Tacit Knowledge. HRL Laboratories, LLC. 3011 Malibu Canyon Road. Malibu, California, 90265, U.S.A.
  5. GLASERSFELD, Von, E. An Exposition of Constructivism: Why Some Like it Radical. Scientific Reasoning Research Institute. University of Massachusetts, 2003.
  6. TERRA, J. C. C. Gestão do Conhecimento: aspectos conceituais e estudo exploratório sobre as práticas de empresas brasileiras. São Paulo, 1999. Tese (Doutorado)
  7. SCHEIN, Edgar H. Three Cultures of Management: The Key to Organizational Learning in the 21st Century, 1999.
  8. Tacit knowledge and intuition
  9. Exploring management consulting firms as knowledge systems
  10. See What You Know - Barbara Bowen PhD
  11. Narrative Knowledge - The Use Of Storytelling
  12. Storytelling
  13. From ISO 9000 to Knowledge Management PART 2
  14. Leveraging the usage of information and knowledge
  15. Five reasons people don't tell what they know
  16. What exactly is Knowledge Mapping?
  17. Concept Map About Concept Maps
  18. A journey into Constructivism
  19. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Knowledge
  20. Delineando as limitações: sistemas especialistas e conhecimento tácito
  21. Teaching the Tacit Knowledge of Programming to Novices with Natural Language Tutoring
Sérgio Lins - Abril de 2006

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